Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) teams have finished work in Louisiana from Hurricane Francine and are now heading East to help with response to Hurricane Helene. DR teams are traveling to North Caroline to help run and operate a recovery site in the Black Mountain area.

“Our volunteers will do the management, feeding, shower and laundry as well as coordinate the distribution center of donated items for the residents of that area,” said DR Director Jason Yarbrough. “We plan to arrive on site Monday and will be there for a number of weeks.”

In Morgan City, LA, DR completed nearly 410 workorders. The teams that were sent included assessor/chaplain teams, feeding teams, and first response teams. During the weeks there, DR saw 65 gospel conversations, 8 professions of faith, 800 contacts made and 40 Bibles distributed. For the volunteers, approximately 2500 meals were made, 300 loads of laundry done and 750 showers provided.

Some of the resources used in LA will be transported to help with Helene relief and the rest will be sent back to OK. In addition to the teams being sent to NC, there is also a mass feeding team heading to serve in Vidalia, GA from Monday through Sunday. Chainsaw teams will also be sent to Georgia starting Sunday, Oct. 5 and continuing for about 5 weeks according to Yarbrough.

OK DR team connecting with local homeowner.

Yarbrough thanks those who have been supporting DR through prayer and requests for those prayers to continue as DR heads to assist with Hurricane Helene response.

“The prayers that we receive give us strength to know that we can handle this,” he said. “Oklahomans have been busy this year. Pray that they’re rested, ready and able to go meet the needs because it’s vast.”

For more information, or to make a tax-deductible donation to Oklahoma Baptist DR, visit www.okdisasterhelp.org.