UPDATE: Sam Porter: Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief is on standby to help in Georgia & South Carolina instead of Florida, since relief needs changed. For updates go to OKDisasterHelp.org
OKLAHOMA CITY—Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief has been asked to respond to the effects of Hurricane Matthew. Sam Porter, Disaster Relief director for Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, reports they to plan to have a feeding team in Florida by Tue., Oct. 11.
“Our region—made up of Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Oklahoma—will band together to respond since all of our states have been extremely busy this year in various responses,” Porter said Oct. 6.
“Oklahoma and Arkansas will work together to maximize our efforts. Arkansas will take its big kitchen unit to the ‘to be announced designated place’ in Florida when the storm has passed. Oklahoma for now will just rotate feeding volunteers each week.
“Our Region 3 states and Florida have been asked by the Florida Department of Emergency Management to be prepared to serve up to 300,000 meals per day,” Porter added.
For the latest information about Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief, visit www.OKDisasterHelp.org