OKLAHOMA CITY–After Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) volunteer chain saw teams just completed storm debris removal for more than 500 families affected by the December 2013 ice storm, crews are again ready for action.
Sam Porter, disaster relief director for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s 5,000-plus member trained volunteer force, on Sunday placed all Oklahoma Baptist chain saw teams on standby, awaiting to respond again if needed.

Disaster relief chainsaw crews working in Moore, Oklahoma after the May 20th tornadoes. (Photo: BP)
“We work closely with the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management to know where the most critical needs are,” said Porter.
“Our faith-based teams help individuals families since the government agencies cannot go onto personal property,” he said.
“This incredible partnership helps get impacted families who have no way of helping themselves get back to normalcy as soon as possible at no cost to the homeowner,” added Porter.
The BGCO disaster relief operation, now in its 40th year of service, has volunteered to help in nearly every major disaster since its inception.
To make a tax-deductible donation to the disaster relief, which goes to help serve victims, or for more information, visit www.okdisasterhelp.com